Roanoke, Virginia Game Store: Blade Gaming

Roanoke, Virginia game store, Blade Gaming.

Located in Roanoke, Virginia, Blade Gaming is one of two game stores in the downtown area, according to Wizards’ Store & Events Locator. A unique aspect of the store is its offering of Disc Golf. This was one of the opening insights Mike Hall, Blade Gaming’s General Manager, shared with us. Disc Golf is golf except with discs and it has proven to be in-demand with the store’s customers.

Outside of Disc Golf, Blade Gaming also offers extensive gaming options for its players. From Magic: The Gathering to Pokémon, Yu-Gi-Oh, Battle Spirits Saga, My Hero Academia, Digimon, and Dungeons & Dragons. The Roanoke store caters to a wide swath of players for various types of games. Furthermore, the store has an impressive ability to host multiple games concurrently. When asked about the complexities that can occur with scheduling, Mike attributes the store’s success to his co-worker, Drew. Drew handles all of the scheduling for events and provides a seamless experience for all players involved.

As the store’s General Manager, Mike has a unique advantage when it comes to ordering products for the store. In addition to his role at Blade Gaming, Mike is also a Supply Chain Manager which provides him invaluable insight. Knowing which products to stock is essential for any game store or business for that matter. However, Mike has a competitive advantage in the field. His knowledge stems from his full-time job which has proven a key benefactor for Blade Gaming.

Blending Insights From One Job To Another

Here’s Mike’s process for having what the customers want after 20 years of experience in the supply chain field:

As Mike notes:

“[…]It’s just paying attention to the customer and what they’re interested in.”

Mike Hall, Blade Gaming General Manager

With a business background in hand, Mike can make decisions that best suit the store long term. Overall, Blade Gaming has a knack for going the extra mile for its customers:

“These guys are great! They always go the extra mile and work to help the customer. Their stock is amazing, and the store is one of the most comfortable I have seen–and that’s from coast-to-coast, border to border.”

John Goff, Customer review on the Blade Gaming Facebook page

A Team Player Atmosphere In Roanoke

Outside of in-store sales, Blade Gaming also has an online presence through TCG Player. While Mike focuses on in-person sales, co-worker, Tim Furrow, handles the online sales. Having employees whom each specialize in a separate facet of the business has been serving Blade Gaming well.

From an aesthetics standpoint, the store features various blades which adorn the walls and emphasize the namesake of the store. In addition, Mike’s wife, Starleena Moor of Izzet Star Alters, created several art pieces showcased throughout the store.

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A former professional Magic: The Gathering player, Mike these days enjoys playing casual Commander with his family. However, the professional player instinct remains in the former pro. He recalls building the most powerful Commander decks he can.

All good fun aside, Blade Gaming is a happening place in Downtown Roanoke. With local breweries close by you’ll be sure to find something to do on your next foray to Virginia. Be sure to stop by the store if you’re in the area and share your experience in the comments below.

You can follow the store on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. If you’d like your store featured, please feel free to contact us!

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