Game Stores In Wisconsin: Gnome Games

Gnome Games has four game stores in Wisconsin.

There are a total of five game stores in Green Bay, Wisconsin. Gnome Games owns two of those stores: Gnome Games – Green Bay West and Gnome Games – Green Bay East. In addition to the two stores in Green Bay, there’s also one in Appleton and one in Sturgeon Bay. According to the Wizards Store & Event Locator, in Appleton, they’re one of three locations and in Sturgeon Bay, Gnome Games is the sole location with The Gnoshery. The latter is their board game cafe.

The owner of Gnome Games, Pat Fuge, has built a successful business. He finds ways to put his employees in positions to succeed while he focuses on ordering products for the store. However, he is aware that he cannot run the store forever and aspires to create shareholder ownership. Overall, the plan would be to have his employees take over the business when he decides to step away.

Making Positive Impressions At Their Game Stores In Wisconsin

In the meantime, Pat makes sure parents are comfortable when entering the premises. By doing so, he hopes parents will allow their children to play at his game stores in Wisconsin. Additionally, he understands that buy-in from the child’s mother is huge. If the mother approves of the store, they’ll be more likely to return. Specifically, Pat fosters a community of casual players. He encourages customers to learn new games they may not be familiar with. Nonetheless, Pat tries to limit the competitive environment which a new player may shy away from. Lastly, providing this type of customer service has certainly connected with customers. The following Facebook review from Brad Zeitler after visiting Gnome Games Green Bay West echoes that sentiment:

Great selection and customer service. Knowledgeable staff who offer great suggestions based on what you like to play.

Brad Zeitler

Extending Beyond The Gnome Games Store

In addition to the efforts Pat has made amongst his players and customers, he also works with various businesses throughout the Wisconsin community. Markedly, he works with the local indoor football team, the Green Bay Blizzard. Furthermore, not only is he providing support outside of his own store, but it presents a positive image of Gnome Games as a business that gives back. Moreover, Pat looks to get outside the store however he can and interact with the community. While this requires a lot of work, Pat is grateful for the 35-38 employees he has to help facilitate the work involved and spread the word about Gnome Games.

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His employees are empowered to specialize in areas that they have the most knowledge in. Thus, these employees are referred to as “product champions”. Additionally, Gnome Games has one store educator who during the school year goes to school game nights during the week. Employees are encouraged to bring games and ideas to Pat that they’re excited about to expand player participation. Pat understands the importance of delegating responsibility and ceding control where necessary. With an understanding of the importance of his employees, Pat notes:

“One of the things that I’ve learned is that my staff is all a lot smarter than I am so I have to listen to them for the most part.”

Pat Fuge, Owner of Gnome Games

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